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The Stages of change and how it applies to trading

 The Stages of change and how it applies to trading     " Is there something wrong with me?" "I know how to trade, why cant I make money consistently?" " EVERYONE makes it look so easy on social media." I believe every trader has told themselves something like this at one point or another in their career. I know I sure did. You spend hours and hours studying charts, seeking knowledge from successful traders, practicing, back testing. You know the technical set-ups, read all the fundamental knowledge there is to consume; but somehow still you manage to botch trades and lose money. There multiple stages that have to be reached and conquered in order to be successful in making any significant change. Precontemplation, Contemplation Preparation, Action, Maintenance, (Relapse) and Termination . This was huge step in my trading career to step back, realize and accept where I stood within this model on my trading journey; and very honestly the biggest key (for m

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